
Website Hosting Packages

Below are our set prices and also monthly only options so you can spread the cost 


£ 20 Per Month
  • Domains - 1
  • Web Space – 100 GB
  • Email Addresses - 10
  • Web Mail - No
  • Auto Responders – No
  • Mail Forwarding - No
  • Google Analytics - Yes
  • XML Sitemap - No
  • Managed Updates - No
  • Junk Mail Filtering – No


£ 30 Per Month
  • Domains - 1
  • Web Space – 1000 GB
  • Email Addresses - 100
  • Web Mail - Yes
  • Auto Responders – Yes
  • Mail Forwarding - Yes
  • Google Analytics - Yes
  • XML Sitemap - Yes
  • Managed Updates - Yes
  • Junk Mail Filtering – Yes
Monthly Only Payments Option

Pay £49 per month with no up front payments

The better you do in Search Engine listings, the better you will do in business as more visitors will go to your website which means more clients and more sales.

Having a great website should be backed up my great website hosting, all too often we see this being missed and causing what could be an excellent way to promote your business turning into a failure due to the hosting service failing or having far to many downtime’s. 

By Responsive Website Layout we mean your website will ‘work on all devices’ and by devices, we mean phones, tablets, laptops and computers.

Design and Development

A web content management system (CMS) allows users to author content onto the internet, using collaboration, and administration tools designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming

Every website we design for our clients is different so you can expect a fully bespoke design to your exact requirements.

E-Commerce is basically selling online, so is the term given to websites that operate as an Online Shop. 

EXTRA monthly SEO packages

Also Get These from £159 / Month

tech support

Tech Support

Constant support through your own account manager

Security & Performance

Extra Security through a Firewall and Speed using Cloudflare servers

qa call

Monthly Q&A Call

Have question about the product and options available?



Content written especially for your website sector, including graphic design

lead capture

Lead Capture

Follow how leads are generated through Google analytics



Without this you are just another website, Edtion1 make the difference

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