

What Negative Effects Does a Bad Website Design Have On My Business?

Consumer expectations for a responsive, immersive, and visually appealing website experience have never been higher. In fact, 72% report that a badly designed website affects their opinion of a business. If your website is badly designed, you may lose potential customers, waste money, increase bounce rates, decrease conversion rates, and damage your search engine optimization

What Negative Effects Does a Bad Website Design Have On My Business? Read More »

20 Free Tailwind CSS Web Templates for Designers & Developers

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for creating custom web pages quickly. Unlike traditional CSS frameworks that offer predefined components, Tailwind provides low-level utility classes that let you build unique designs directly in your HTML markup, giving you the flexibility to customize layouts without having to override any styles or navigate through complex CSS

20 Free Tailwind CSS Web Templates for Designers & Developers Read More »

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